Update to build 05.05.2021

1. New content
2. Game fixes
3. Balance fixes
4. Bug fixes
5. Visual updates


+ Main story continues.
+ New areas.
+ New Bosses.
+ New items.
+ Added footsteps animation via plugin provided by Northern Frog.

1.1 New spells:

+ Heal All 1
+ Cleanse
+ Dispel

+ Chain Lightning

Spell Sword:
+ Fire  Sword
+ Ice  Sword
+ Thunder  Sword
+ Dark Sword
+ Stone Sword

2. Game fixes:
If you get stuck during puzzle in Acomb Dungeon, you can now press ESC  / CANCEL to return back to the starting position. (This function is only available when puzzle  remains unsolved.)

3. Balance fixes:

3.1 Class  Balance:
 Due to the class mechanics  and spells  tied to them, major overhaul  was needed to branch out class skills. Each class now has seperated class skill  categories.  All characters learn their class skills  starting  from level 2 onward now.

3.2 Misc. fixes.
+ Minotaur, Cave Orcs, Earth Elemental deals more damage.
+ Balance fixes to  the bosses (difficulty adjustment). Eg. Bandits.
+ Item fix (check bug fix  -> gamebreaking).
+ Item description fix:  Spellbooks. Shortened the  names  of each class  spellbook.

3.3 Theresa:
+ Unyielding fighting spirit now removes bleeding .

3.4 Bard (Class):
+ Melodies  of life accidentally set maximum health to 15%, instead of giving +15%. This is fixed now.
+ Melodies of bravery cut maximum attack damage + magic attack to 15%, instead of giving +15%. This  is fixed now.
+ Melodies of elements cut elemental resistance down to 50%, instead of increasing it by +50%. This is fixed now.

4. Bug fixes:

4.1 Gamebreaking:
+ Beginner League shield dropped physical damage recieved to 1 %, instead of giving +1% defense up. This was not intended. It's fixed  now.

4.2 Major:
+ After  defeating Young Girl in House of  friends battles, league battles  didn't show up properly. This is fixed now.

4.3 Minor:
+  Coalcona Hills were missing battlebackgrounds. They're  now properly set.
+ Coalcona Hills enemies had  accidentally direction fix on, resulting on wonky looking movement. This is fixed now.
+ Coalcona Hills had  bug where you could  skip to end of  the crater if approached from  right direction. This is fixed now.
+ After defeating Young Girl  in house  of friends, her  model  was stuck  on the fighting  arena. This is  fixed now.
+ You could  walk inside blacksmiths  stone in Lamania. This was  not intended. This is fixed now.
+ House of friends  still had bug where party members disappeared if  you lost during one of the arena fights. This  is fixed  now.  Again.
+  Lamania  had signpost which couldn not be interracted with.  This is fixed.
+ Item descriptions: Feather said it was  dropped by Skeleton. This  is inaccurate. Tooltip is fixed now.
+ Boss  music was  stuck  on at the battles,  after defeating bandit gang. This is fixed  now.

5. Visual Update:
+ Multiple  dialogue fixes. (Lamania, House of friends  etc.)
+ Added shadowing  to many areas. They look more pleasant to watch now.
+ Visual update to some maps.
+ Visual update to  characters  (Snulgi & Straco)
+ Changed names of few characters in very beginning of  the  game.


Apr 11, 2021

Get FOED (Fantasy of Everlasting Dream)

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